Navigating SMS Blog

Strong opinions and shared thoughts on text marketing, business, and tech. By the makers of SimpleTexting.

Text Message Marketing for Your Small Business

Text message marketing can help your small business stand out from the competition with these strategies that give you the extra edge.

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10 Places to Advertise Your SMS Keyword

Ready to bring attention to your new keyword but need some inspiration? Read on to find out how to put your keyword in the spotlight.

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How Many Characters Fit in a Text Message?

How much can you fit in one text message? Can you send texts longer than the limit? Do emojis count? Get all your questions about character limits answered.

Improve Your Customer Service With Text Messaging

Texting for customer service can save your business a ton of time, too. Hello, IT. Have you tried turning it off and on again? – Roy Trenneman, The IT Crowd What Is Texting for Customer Service and Support? A growing number of businesses are using a business text message service to develop more effective service […]

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Image for America’s Most Popular Podcasts: What Are You Listening To?

America’s Most Popular Podcasts: What Are You Listening To?

These days more and more people are turning to podcasts to get through long morning commutes and keep up with current events. With fewer commercials than radio shows and specialized presentations for different topics, people get more of what they’re interested in than they might from the radio. There are small business podcasts, plenty of podcasts […]

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Learn How Build Your Own Customer Segments

SimpleTexting's new Segments feature lets you set up customer segmentation right inside your account. Make your text message marketing even smarter by targeting specific groups of subscribers and sending them campaigns tailored to their interests or demographics.