Lily Norton

Lily Norton's Posts

Lily is a content marketing specialist at SimpleTexting. She specializes in making helpful, entertaining video content and writing blogs that help businesses take advantage of all that texting has to offer. When she’s not writing or making TikToks, you can find Lily at roller derby practice or in a yoga studio in the Seattle area.

6 Best Practices for Patient Appointment Scheduling

Tired of scheduling patients over the phone or through email? Use these texting tips to make patient appointment scheduling easy.

Image for America Ranks the Most Toxic Social Media Apps

America Ranks the Most Toxic Social Media Apps

Social media allows people to share their lives online, but it also provides an outlet for negativity. Which platform did Americans rank the most toxic?

Image for How to write (and send) your restaurant’s grand opening announcement

How to write (and send) your restaurant’s grand opening announcement

Got a restaurant grand opening coming up? Use these tips and templates to write the perfect “restaurant opening soon” message.

SMS vs. WhatsApp Marketing: What Is WhatsApp Used For?

The main difference between SMS vs WhatsApp marketing is that the former relies on carriers and cellular networks to send text messages. WhatsApp, on the other hand, requires an internet connection to send messages.

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Image for The Best Heartwarming Christmas Message Templates to Send Clients

The Best Heartwarming Christmas Message Templates to Send Clients

Wish your customers their happiest holiday ever with these eight Merry Christmas text message templates (and a few helpful tips).

Image for SMS Marketers Wanted: The Rise of a New Skill Set

SMS Marketers Wanted: The Rise of a New Skill Set

Here we discuss why so many companies are hiring SMS marketersーand make the case for why you should too.