Whether you run a Fortune 500 company or a local nonprofit, our team has resources to help you succeed.
Texting for customer service can save your business a ton of time, too. Hello, IT. Have you tried turning it off and on again? – Roy Trenneman, The IT Crowd What Is Texting for Customer Service and Support? A growing number of businesses are using a business text message service to develop more effective service […]
If a man won't take "no" for an answer, you can give him The Mary Sue Rejection Hotline number instead of your own—(646) 926-6614.
A mobile reading app called Hooked is keeping millions of people engaged by using a fresh storytelling format—text messages.
Want $1,000 for college? SimpleTexting can help make that happen. For the 2nd year in a row, SimpleTexting is offering a $1,000 College Scholarship for a deserving high school senior or current college student. If you are currently enrolled in college or headed there in 2016-17 and want to win a $1,000 college scholarship to help […]
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Want $1,000 for college? SimpleTexting can help make that happen. If you are currently enrolled in college or headed there in 2016 and want to win a $1,000 scholarship to help cover expenses, consider entering the SimpleTexting College Scholarship Contest. SimpleTexting will award a $1,000 scholarship to a highly motivated student who can thoughtfully express […]
It gives SimpleTexting great pride that our easy-to-use platform benefits companies such as Behavioral Health Works, Inc. (BHW) that aid in the treatment for autism and related disorders. Each of Behavioral Health Works’ programs shares the common goal of teaching individuals the tools necessary to obtain a better quality of life and lead a more […]