Rich media is a great way to engage with your subscribers. You can link to things like images, coupons, or even videos in your SMS marketing message.
Even though we call them text messages, your communications aren’t limited to just letters and numbers.
In those 160+ characters, you can fit a variety of rich media using a shortlink.
Any form of mobile-optimized content can be delivered to your subscribers immediately, including:
Including rich media in your text message marketing campaign gives your subscribers more content to peruse, share, and engage with.
If you have a message with a lot of text or attachments, your natural instinct may be to send an email. But there are actually a lot of benefits to switching to SMS.
SMS isn’t known for sending rich media, but that’s all the more reason to add image shortlinks to your text message promotions. Need a little more convincing?
Adding shortlinks to SMS messages is a cost effective alternative to sending MMS messages, which can contain embedded rich media.
If cost is a concern, you can send SMS messages at a low, flat rate, even if you’re sending mass text messages. This also benefits your recipients—most mobile users can receive SMS messages for free, but not all can receive MMS messages without incurring a cost.
Shortlinks also let you track the number of clicks on each link you send. With this information, you can tweak and optimize your campaigns to get the best results.
We’ve worked with businesses across all industries. Here are some of the unique ways they’ve utilized rich media.
For additional ideas on how to incorporate text message marketing into your business, check out our industry guides.
We have an entire article on RCS if you want to learn more.
In short, it’s an end-to-end software platform and IP-based messaging service that is poised to revolutionize mobile messaging. RCS is relatively new and still developing as a mobile communications technology that’s poised to replace SMS and MMS messaging and redefine the application-to-person business space.
RCS adds features that MMS and SMS text messages don’t have, turning text messaging into a more interactive, actionable, feature-rich conversational experience. Here’s an example for a delivery notification.
It’s often referred to as rich messaging, rich media messaging, or even RCS business messaging. It might even go by other names like Advanced Communications, Message+, or, in Google’s case, Android Messages. (Google has enabled RCS on certain Android devices.)
Incorporating rich media into your SMS campaigns is just another great way to engage with your audience and stand out in the crowd.
And whether you choose to utilize interlinks or MMS, know that you can take your messages to the next level with SimpleTexting.
Try us free for 14-days to see for yourself!
Whether you need to send promos or connect with leads, commercial text messaging lets you get in front of your audience. Find out how to get started.
ReadSMS providers have given thousands of businesses the ability to reach their customers through texting. Learn what sets the best ones apart from the rest.
ReadStart a text marketing campaign or have a 1-on-1 conversation today. It's risk free. Sign up for a free 14-day trial today to see SimpleTexting in action.
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