Check out St. Jerome's Catholic Youth Organization's strategy for getting families registered on time each year.
St. Jerome’s Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) is an organization in Maryland that holds children’s sports programs.
Each season, St. Jerome’s CYO struggles to motivate families to sign up for their sports on time through channels like email and physical banners.
Since starting with SimpleTexting, the CYO has seen a 50% increase in registration speed for their programs.
Joe Sego is the athletic director at Saint Jerome’s Catholic Youth Organization (CYO). The CYO brings young people together for recreational sports to promote good manners, sportsmanship, and the development of a Christian lifestyle.
The organization runs a large sports program that serves about 300 families in five different sports. They were looking for an application to help them better communicate weather and registration updates to families in each program.
They also found that no one wanted to receive phone calls or use email and that their community prefers to text. One of the organization’s pain points every season is the process of getting families registered for their sports on time. Neither emails nor fliers worked to motivate attendees very well.
It was also important to the team to find a solution that their staff could use without too much training.
In SimpleTexting, Joe’s team found the easy-to-use tool they were looking for. In his own words:
“I can actually send a text blast out from my cell phone — log in, get a campaign set up and pick a group — to 500 people within 30 seconds. You couldn’t ask for more.”
Joe Sego
Athletic Director
Joe also notes that it’s easy to catch every reply with notifications straight to his phone and the platform is user-friendly.
To top it all off, he and his team are very happy with the return on investment they’ve seen as a sports program considering SimpleTexting’s low cost, as well as high deliverability on their messages and the ability to grow their text lists using keywords.
The team started using SimpleTexting to announce their registrations and to motivate people to register immediately by putting the registration link in the text itself. In the first week, they saw a 50% increase in the speed at which individuals register their kids for sports programs.
SimpleTexting changes the game. It’s incredibly easy. You can set up keywords to opt people in so you can stay TCPA compliant. It couldn’t be easier to segment lists and build campaigns. SimpleTexting is everything it is advertised and more. I could not give a better recommendation for SimpleTexting, especially if you’re a small business or a smaller operation.
Joe Sego
Athletic Director
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